Shipping and Delivery policy
This shipping policy is valid for : United Kingdom
Below you will find the average delivery time of all our packages:
Delivery Time = Order procession Time + Order Shipping Time
Order Processing Time: 1-3 Business Days (Monday to Friday)
Order Shipping Time: 3-5 Business Days (Monday to Friday)
Order cut-off time: 5 PM (GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time (London)
We use the following carriers parties:
- FedEx
Shipping costs
Shipping is free. We cover the shipping costs for every order within the United Kingdom. All our products are delivered to your home, 100% free. There is also no minimum order quantity required.
Cancellation or Change of Address:
After placing your order, it is not possible to change it or cancel it anymore. Check your order before placing carefully.
Parcels Damaged in Transit:
If you find your parcel damaged in transit, please report is to us within 30 days of receiving the Order. We may require photo evidence of the damaged goods to process your claim. After reviewing the claim, we will offer a replacement for any items proven to be damaged in transit, or in any way before receiving it.
Tracking your order
You'll receive an email when your order is shipped with a Tracking number. We provide our customers with a self hosted Track Your Order which you can use to track your package.
Please contact us via email at if you have any questions about your order and shipment. Our service team is happy to assist you.
You can contact us using the information below:
Boutique Name: Fashion Flick
Address: Nassauhaven 448, Rotterdam, South Holland, 3071 JK, The Netherlands
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Tel: +31657633399
Customer service hours:
Monday to Sunday: 9 am to 5 pm
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time (London)
We do our best to reply to your e-mail within 1 day.